The Hydrogen Hubs Have Been Chosen. Who wins? Part 2
Clean-energy expert Joe Romm concluded decades ago that to make hydrogen safe, competitive with dirty fossil fuels, and widely available, “multiple miracles are needed” that aren’t going to happen any time soon, if ever. Why, then, are we investing billions of dollars today on this still-unproven technology?
What’s up with the hydrogen love-fest? Part 1
Among hydrogen's strongest advocates are methane-gas utilities seeking to leverage federal dollars to preserve their businesses as cities phase out gas and expand solar, wind, and battery storage.
Community Solar is the Law of the Land in California Now
On September 16, 2022, Governor Gavin Newsom quietly signed a community solar bill that will bust open the clean-energy revolution for all California utility ratepayers, finally making it possible for renters and homeowners who can’t afford solar panels or whose roofs aren’t solar-power friendly to participate.
Supergirl and Targeted Universalism
Focusing on equity (and therefore disparities) foments and deepens the perception of competition between groups. It becomes a zero-sum contest of winners and losers (if they get more, we get less) when the point of climate activism is to promote an improved future for everyone.
Power Struggle: decision trees in climate emergencies
Power in its myriad forms is at the heart of the climate emergency — and key to mitigating its deadly effects.
Urban Magic + the Promise of Positive Integration
Is it possible to build a “positively integrated” rather than an “incompletely gentrified” neighborhood in historically disinvested Black communities like Crenshaw in South Los Angeles?
Rethink. Renew. Revolutionize.
There are days when hope is in very short supply. The idea that the breaking apart of things can be both illuminating and catalyzing sails through the chaos like a life line.
Take a Knee
Racial health and criminal justice disparities are on full display in this season of COVID-19, police killings, and curfews. Less blatant but no less insidious is America’s racial wealth divide, widened and deepened by years of discriminatory housing policies.
Strange (Earth) Days
Beauty has saved our souls and sanity, especially now, and we are reminded how essential a healthy environment is to a healthy community.
Regenerative Design in the Age of Coronavirus
If anything good can possibly come of this pandemic, it may be that we as a country are shaken from complacency about how things are and begin to think about how things could be.
Getting to Zero
As California goes, so goes the nation and the planet. And Net Zero Carbon is the way to get there.
Ode to the Gas Stove
Gas stoves are warm, welcoming, and uncomplicated. They bring the fire we abandoned at the traditional hearth. They are also helping warm the planet, and when I factor that in I am a lot less nostalgic.
Qualifying “Opportunity Zones”
Did we learn nothing from the failed Urban Renewal religion of the mid-20th century?