Hydrogen Hype Marilyn Berlin Snell Hydrogen Hype Marilyn Berlin Snell

The Hydrogen Hubs Have Been Chosen. Who wins? Part 2

Clean-energy expert Joe Romm concluded decades ago that to make hydrogen safe, competitive with dirty fossil fuels, and widely available, “multiple miracles are needed” that aren’t going to happen any time soon, if ever. Why, then, are we investing billions of dollars today on this still-unproven technology?

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Climate Crisis Marilyn Berlin Snell Climate Crisis Marilyn Berlin Snell

Supergirl and Targeted Universalism

Focusing on equity (and therefore disparities) foments and deepens the perception of competition between groups. It becomes a zero-sum contest of winners and losers (if they get more, we get less) when the point of climate activism is to promote an improved future for everyone.

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